List Slices

Date: 01 April 2018

Category: Python

Tag: Neat Tricks

I regularly use the following strategy to perform SQL queries using a list:

However, if there are too many items in your search list for the SQL server to handle, you may emcounter the following error:

pyodbc.Error: (‘07002’, ‘[07002] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error (0) (SQLExecDirectW)’)

Breaking it down

Rather than trying to force feed SQL with so many items to search

df['SourceType'] = df.apply(lambda df_row: determine_source_type(str(df_row['URL'])), axis=1)

Where the determine_source_type function is defined as follows:

def determine_source_type(url):
    url = url.upper()

    internal_url_indicators = ('', '')
    shared_drive_indicators = ('company_drive_1', 'company_drive_2')
    external_url_indicators = ('HTTP', 'WWW', '.COM')

    if any(indicator in url for indicator in internal_url_indicators):
        return 'INTERNAL_URL'
    if any(indicator in url for indicator in shared_drive_indicators):
        return 'SHARED_DRIVE'
    if any(indicator in url for indicator in external_url_indicators):
        return 'EXTERNAL_URL'
    return 'UNKNOWN'